Youtube to GIF Converter

Convert Youtube videos to animated GIF easily, quickly and for free


How to convert Youtube to GIF


Copy the link to youtube video and paste it into the dedicated field. Then click on the button to continue.


On the next step you will be able to choose the quality and set everything up. Choose according to your needs.


After that, the new gif file will be ready to be downloaded to your device. Wait for the download to complete.

Converting Youtube to GIF

YouTube is a free video site. Here you can find any type of video: programs, films, clips, lectures, master classes, cartoons, reviews, jokes and much more. Youtube is developing rapidly. Together with him, new projects appear that are popular with viewers. Today, on Youtube, it is not so much game projects with reviews that are very popular, but educational and entertaining content. This is an online video hosting service where any user can watch the existing video content for free or post their own. To do this, you need to register on YouTube video hosting and upload the video.

Technologically animated GIFs are a sequence of static images - just like frames in cartoons or movies. About ten years ago, animated headers for websites and blogs were in trend. Then it turned out that this continuous flickering somewhat annoys the target audience. GIF is not suitable for storing full-color images and photographs, but it is suitable for simplest animations. The format supports transparency - each pixel of an image can be in two states: transparent or opaque, translucency is not supported. By the way, the creator of the popular GIF graphic format Steve Wilhite in his commentary to the New York Times stated that he considers JIF to be the correct pronunciation.