Crop GIF

Crop your GIF in seconds with our handy and easy online editor


How to crop GIF online


Upload your animated gif to our service. Wait for the upload to finish and proceed to editing.


Now you can easily crop your GIF. Just define the new dimensions you want and save the changes.


When you're done editing, don't forget to download the resulting file and share with your friends.

Cropping GIF

Today, in this article, I will help you crop a gif file, and give an overview of several popular services. Often, to install avatars on social networks or just to add to the site, we need gifs that meet certain parameters. What to do when the image is too large or the GIF accidentally gets foreign elements that you would not want to see (someone's hand or leg, part of the interior or something else)? Trim. Photo can be cropped to length, width, or both.

Users of social networks or forums often exchange GIF files, which are short, looped animations. Sometimes they are not created very neatly and there is extra space, or you just need to crop the image. In this case, we recommend using special online services. Cropping is carried out literally in a few steps, and even an inexperienced user who does not have special knowledge and skills can handle it. It is only important to choose the right web resource, which would have the necessary tools.