Upload your MP4 video to our service. Wait for the upload to finish and proceed to converting.
After all the files have finished uploading, click on the convert button and wait for a while.
After that, the new GIF file will be ready to be downloaded to your device. Wait for the download to complete.
For many users, MP4 is a video file format. In fact, this is not just a format, but a whole package that stores information not only about video, but also about audio, subtitles and metadata. MP4 is based on Apple's QuickTime format and contains various types of name extensions to help you understand what content is in the file. The MP4 file extension has many equivalents: M4V, M4A, and others. Since the storage format does not differ, the conclusion suggests itself that file extensions are set based on considerations of what is in these files. For example, M4A is audio, M4V is video.
Anyone who came up with gifs should get to heaven without a queue. The selected animated pictures will bring any content to life. And the coolest thing is that you can easily make them yourself, from any images or video. The format also allows you to create GIF animation from a video or a sequence of several still images. GIF files are widely used on the Internet for advertising banners and logos, animated images, stickers and emoticons, short videos.