Upload your animated gif to our service. Wait for the upload to finish and proceed to editing.
Now you can easily resize your GIF. Just define the new size you want and save your changes.
When you're done editing, don't forget to download the resulting file and share with your friends.
Animated graphics files with the GIF extension are very popular on the Internet. However, on many sites there are still restrictions on the size of the GIF that can be downloaded. Therefore, today we want to present ways in which you can change the height and width of such images. To change the actual size of the picture (width and height) in an animated .gif file, there are no special problems.
Moving GIFs are a great way to draw attention to an article or post on a social network. However, the gif that you have is not always suitable for publication. What if the image is too large and how to crop the animation? An excellent tool that will come in handy if the site on which you want to place the animation has special requirements for the size of the picture.