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A hug is touching a person. Touch is one of the most powerful expressions of love, breaking down barriers and strengthening relationships. Touch changes the physical and emotional state and makes people more receptive to love. Touch can help heal the body and warm the heart. It is difficult to be at a distance from your family. Even with the variety of communication technologies, you will not be able to feel the presence of a loved one nearby or feel his touch.
When you go to The Nicest Place on the Internet, a video opens in which strangers seem to hug you through their camera. These are people of different sexes, ages, skin colors. There are soft toys, pets. Even funny personalities with masks of a horse and a space traveler Touches are something that communication via the Internet cannot compensate in any way. Tactile hunger builds up and the happiness of internet communication gradually turns into agony. It is very important to translate virtual relationships into reality on time and correctly. You can virtually hug online. Nowadays, much that is being done virtually, and very successfully. Try it! Imagine this guy, and let him introduce you, and then, together, you visualize as much as your fantasy with him is enough.