eating popcorn gif

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Why do we need eating popcorn gifs

January 22 is considered the birthday of popcorn. What's the story behind this popular treat? Is it good or bad for your health? What does popcorn have to do with movies and music? We've put together interesting facts about popcorn for you. Popcorn, a crunchy corn treat flavored with butter and caramel or salt, is currently at its peak. The average American consumes about 50 liter glasses of popcorn a year, and even in the UK, where chips have traditionally been in high demand, popcorn sales have skyrocketed.

The start of selling popcorn near cinemas caused a storm of indignation among their owners. Then they believed that popcorn could distract visitors from films. It took several years to find out that this was not the case. In the cinemas themselves, this snack began to be sold in 1912. The popularity of popcorn grew in direct proportion to the interest in cinema, which, like the popcorn machine, emerged in the late 19th century. Often the sale of popcorn accompanies mass festivities and entertainment events. Light, hearty, healthy product with a huge number of flavors: sweet, salty, caramelized, with various toppings and additives. Already at the entrance to the cinema you are greeted by the smell of this pleasant delicacy.