hump day gif

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What is Hump Day

Hump Day is nothing but Wednesday. It marks the middle of the week. For the first time this term appeared in America, but gradually spread throughout the world - it reached Europe, and from there it came to our country. Humpback Day Wednesday is called office workers, students, employees of various activities working on a five-day week. Its onset means that the first half of the working week is already behind us and exactly as much time is left before the long-awaited weekend as has already passed. It is believed that after the Day of the Hump, work becomes easier, since it is already possible to plan the weekend.

Wednesday became known as Hump Day for a reason. Associations and puns played a role in this. In English, the word Hump from the expression Hump Day is sometimes translated as a hillock, which may not mean a hillock at all, but a certain milestone that was reached on the way to the top. Hence the association - if climbing a mountain is compared with a working week, then its peak is the weekend, and the middle is Wednesday. Advanced office workers and students do not deny themselves the pleasure of congratulating each other on the Day of the Hump, as if inviting colleagues to share their joy about the passage of the first half of the week. SMS congratulations can be supplemented with an original GIF dedicated to the Day of the Hump. You can choose it on our website, which contains the largest selection of short animated videos for all occasions.