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Why do people dance? Someone wants to become slim and flexible, someone wants to show their abilities in dance, but there are people who have devoted their whole lives to dancing. Dance is the oldest form of human expression. With the help of his body and language of movements, a person not only presents himself to those around him, but he himself acquires an inner connection with the spiritual and emotional world. Among the many forms of artistic education of the younger generation, choreography occupies a special place. Dance classes not only teach to understand and create beauty, they develop imaginative thinking and imagination, give harmonious plastic development.
Dance is an art form in which artistic images are created through plastic movements and rhythmically clear and continuous change of expressive positions of the human body. Dance is, first of all, emotions that are transformed into movements as a result of the direct influence of the rhythm of modern life on them. Why different dances? - Because there are different emotions. Why are emotions different? Because the rhythms of life are different. The rhythms of the life of an individual, family, nation, and so on. For every person, dance is something different. Personal, fragile, carried in the soul through the years. For some, these are associations with youth and childhood. For others, it is a way to relax in the present.