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Boredom is different. For example, psychologists believe that being a little bored alone, not knowing what to do with yourself, is even useful - the brain takes a break from information, overloads, and then gives out something cool. You can get bored just like that, for example, sitting at a very rotten lecture to the monotonous voice of the teacher. You can also get bored from not knowing what to do with yourself - this is when there seem to be tasks, and there are enough options for how to occupy yourself, but it’s still boring and everything is not right. Familiar? To be bored on a date, in a restaurant, in a museum, to yawn from boredom at the full width of your mouth in a museum next to a brilliant painting by a brilliant artist (no, this is a fire extinguisher, not an art object).
Bored but can't say it out loud? Do you want to convey your emotions from a popular lecture or a fashionable movie as accurately as possible? GIFs with bored characters to help you. Use any of them - even yawning, even sliding your face down the glass in an attempt to find meaning in waiting - and let those who looked at the chat at the wrong time know that you are in a very bad mood. Besides, who knows, maybe in the process of selecting the right GIF with boredom, your own mood will rise from the “Disgusting” mark to normal values? GIFs from boredom, for boredom, and to show boredom in all its glory - our selection is at your service.